Pipeline Services Integrity Management R&D


Location: Tennessee – Chattanooga

  • Offline cleaning of 12” Pipelines
  • Geometric inspection utilizing Caliper too

Location: Georgia – Statewide multiple diameter and lengths

  • Pipeline Filtration
  • Pipeline Blowdown with Muffler
  • In-Line Inspection (ILI) tool loading
  • Pipeline Cleaning – On line
  • Geometric inspection utilizing Caliper tool
  • Recompression of (2) 14″ pipelines utilizing ZEVAC- Zero Emission Vacuum & Compressor (we re-compressed the gas downstream of one section instead of venting to atmosphere for maintenance work)

With more than 150 years of turnkey inline inspection experience, including, but not excluded to Pipeline Design, Launching & Receiving Facilities, Pipeline Cleaning, Filtration & Separation, running and tracking ILI tools and more.  Paxon has the knowledge, field experience and engineering expertise to help pipeline owners and operators achieve system integrity and reliability, resulting in an extension of the asset lifecycle.


Paxon’s R&D team utilizes the “ZEVAC” unit powered by compressed air to keep the gas inside the pipe, eliminating emissions, noise, warnings, hazards, and the permits generally associated with venting and flaring. Using compressed air to suction the process vessel or pipeline segment, ZEVAC compresses the gas into the adjacent pipeline; thus resulting in Zero Emission footprint.


Paxon’s SMEs offer Simple and portable vent management set-up to allow normal and special pipeline maintenance work with minimal releases or exposures.
Trap (Pig Launcher / Receiver) de-pressure back through the recompression unit where the isolated trap gas is delivered into the operating pipeline. The main goals are to reduce personnel exposure and environmental releases while maintaining the operational timing for basic pipeline maintenance and inspections.